Review of Theoretical Frameworks in Audiovisual Translation
Audiovisual Translation has gained massive popularity among translators as a thriving genre of translation studies. This reality is represented by the massive role played by audiovisual translation in shaping global communication within modern societies. Therefore, the paper attempts to analyze the overlap of the most fundamental theories within the scope of audiovisual translation. The primary purpose of this analysis is to identify the relationship and intersection between several theories to provide an overall and comprehensive overview of these theories, their underlying principles and paradigms, the purposes and justifications of their application, and their functioning and consequences within rendering meaning from audiovisual products with various modes such as subtitling, dubbing, and voice-over, to name but a few. Consequently, Audiovisual Translation, which has grown into a distinct area of research with its own limitations and unique characteristics, is supported by various theories designed for different modes of delivery and reception. This growth encompasses creating and applying diverse strategies, methods, and technologies and examining and comprehending how it is received and impacted. Nonetheless, the researchers discovered that the creation of theories specific to Audiovisual Translation must either align with or, at the very least, be influenced by the foundational theoretical frameworks, primarily from translation studies.
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