The Analysis of Video Game Title Translation: A Case Study of Iranian Darinoos Publishing
Darinoos, Literal Translation, New Translation, Title Translation, Video GameAbstract
With video games gaining popularity worldwide and becoming one of the most common forms of entertainment in the digital age, the game's title holds both commercial and entertainment value. This study aims to analyze foreign video game titles that have been translated into Persian by the Iranian Darinoos publishing. The practical analysis in the research study is based on Vinay and Darbelnet (1995) and Chaume’s (2020) translation strategies. Those models were applied to compare the translation strategies used by the Darinoos with the translation strategies used by participant translators and to identify the most commonly used translation strategies by both groups. The overall results showed that literal translation remained the most widely used translation strategies in title translation. The Darinoos team used new translation, partial translation, and modulation to translate video game titles into Persian in a more creative way than the other participants. In some instances, participants didn't consider titles to be translatable and used the original title in the target language. These obtained results will be benefical to journalists, video game publishers, content writers, and game localizers.
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