Microbial Status and Sanitation level of Food Contact Surfaces (FCSs) of Three University Restaurant Kitchens for Three Public Universities at Central-Delta Region in Egypt
Hygienic evaluation, food contact surfaces, pathogens, TACC, TCC, restaurant kitchens, EgyptAbstract
The microbiological safety of food is primarily influenced by hygienic practices during food handling and the sanitation of food contact surfaces (FCSs). Consequently, the safety of foods served in university restaurants can be assessed by evaluating the microbiological quality of FCSs. This research aims to evaluate the microbial quality (MQ) and sanitation level of FCSs in the kitchens of three university restaurant kitchens for three public universities in the Central-Delta region of Egypt. A total of 108 swabs were collected from surfaces related to food (preparation tables, dining tables, cutting boards), cooking utensils (pots, knives, trolley tanks, mobile tanks, scoops, colanders), and kitchen equipment (peeling machine, steam pots, bain-maries). The samples were examined for total aerobic colony count (TACC), total Coliform count (TCC), yeast and mold count, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Bacillus cereus (B. cereus), Salmonella and Shigella spp. The microbiological analysis revealed that the greatest compliance rates with good hygienic conditions were observed in the FCSs of the UNK-1 university restaurant kitchen. In contrast, the sanitation levels of FCSs in the UNK-2 and NUK-3 university restaurant kitchens were classified as “unsatisfactory.” These findings highlight the need for improvements to enhance the sanitation levels of these university restaurants. Adopting and implementing effective sanitation programs, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is essential to ensuring the safety of food served to students.
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