Passive Voice Teaching: Recent Trends and Effective Strategies
passive voice teaching, EGRA method, task-based learning, cooperative learning, web-based storytellingAbstract
This study investigates current practices and useful methods for teaching passive voice. To find effective teaching strategies, a thorough review of the literature produced between 2018 and 2024 was undertaken. Using keywords associated with passive voice instruction, data was gathered from academic sources, and thirty pertinent papers were chosen for examination. The Experience, Generalization, Reinforcement, Application (EGRA) method, task-based learning, cooperative learning, flashcards, and web-based storytelling are just a few of the successful teaching techniques that thematic analysis identified. These strategies improve learning outcomes, comprehension, and student engagement. It was stressed that context-based learning is crucial to knowing when and how to employ passive voice. It has been discovered that technology, especially web-based storytelling, increases student engagement and recall of material. Students' memory and understanding were also enhanced by the Jigsaw method and inductive training. In general, it was discovered that teaching passive voice may be accomplished effectively using a range of teaching techniques, such as active learning and technology integration. To learn more about these strategies' long-term consequences and how they affect different student demographics, more study is required.
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