

  • Badiea Abdulkarem Mohammed Al-Shaibani
  • TAT-CHEE WAN School of Computer Sciences / National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAV6),Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia


NEMO, IEEE802.16e, Fast -Handover, Mobile IP, WiMAX.


NEMO basic support protocol was created by IETF NEMO working group to extend basic end-host mobility support in, Mobile IP (MIP) protocol to provide network mobility support. However, the handover latency in this scheme is high, and not suitable for multimedia and real time applications. Many techniques have been proposed to solve this problem by parallelizing the dual layers handover and assigning the network layer handover part to the serving Mobile Router (PAR) or to the Home Agent (HA). These techniques either not fully parallelized or its advantages will be lost if the distance between the Mobile Router and its HA is so long. In this paper, we propose a new technique called Rapid-Integrated NEMO Handover (RINEMO) that keep its advantage whatever the distance between the MR and its HA and present a better parallelizing between the link layer and the network layer handover steps. Analytical results comparing the techniques are provided, showing that our technique have the lowest handover latency and lowest disruption time.


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Author Biography

Badiea Abdulkarem Mohammed Al-Shaibani

Badiea Abdulkarem Mohammed received his BSc in Computer Science from Babylon University, Iraq in 2002, M.Tech in Computer Science from University of Hyderabad, India in 2007 and PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia in 2018. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the College of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Hail, KSA. He is permanently Assistant Professor at Hodeidah University, Yemen. His research focuses on Wireless Networks, Mobile Networks, Vehicle networks, WSN, Cybersecurity, and Image Processing. He is an IEEE member, Member, IAENG member, and ASR member. In his research area, he has published many papers in reputed journals and conferences.


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How to Cite

Al-Shaibani, B. A. M., & WAN, T.-C. . (2021). RAPID-INTEGRATED NEMOV6 HANDOFF IN IEEE802.16E BWA NETWORKS. Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2(1), 9–21. https://doi.org/10.48185/jaai.v2i1.327


