About the Journal
Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence (JAAI) is an international and interdisciplinary scholarly peer reviewed journal on artificial intelligence published by Saba Publishing.
JAAI devoted entirely to Artificial Intelligence and welcomes papers in the overall field including, but not limited to, machine learning and cognition, deep learning, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, classification, regression, clustering, big and streaming data, optimization algorithms, feature selection and extraction, pattern recognition, bio-informatics, uncertain information processes, recommender systems, E-service personalization, distributed and parallel processing, computer vision, neural networks, natural language processing, heuristic search, multi-objective optimization, multi-agent systems, advances in social network systems, reasoning under uncertainty, forecasting and predication models as well as other hot topics.
Our aim is to encourage scientists and engineers to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible.
Editor in Chief: Dr Nibras Abdullah
ISSN (online): 2709-5908
Frequency: Semiannual